2008년 3월 22일 토요일

2nd Summary

First of all, the key of digital media is "When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media." and "new media do not replace old media, they displace them.". (I Think...) for instance, you make ads, you many think about it. maybe this think include old media idea. you use old media idea. you comlete that make movie, this movie include old media idea too. so i think old media motivate new media. but new media do not replace old media!and then, engelbart's article. he have many achievements. above all, he organize team(augmentation research center). this team invent the mouse, 2d display editing, hypermedia & hypermedia email, outline processing,multiple window displays, etc. this technology is very useful by this time. and then, hyperlink is very efficient. hyperlink is a link to another page(?). for example, when your name click in internet, go to your information page. but, this link style is diffrent each site.anyway, i thanks for engelbart.

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